Knight Rider is an American television series created and produced by Glen A. Larson. The series was originally broadcast on NBC from 1982 to 1986.Action .... Knight Rider -- A voodoo princess (Rosalind Cash) and her henchmen will ... Ken Norton and Tracy Reed at Knight RiderMichael Knight is a man on a mission. Reborn, so to speak, after getting shot in the face, Knight decides to dedicate his life to fighting for justice. Self-made billionaire Wilton Knight hires Michael to be the lead field agent in his Knight Foundation's public justice organization
Monday, October 10, 2016
Knight Rider theme - bass cover by Alberto Rigoni & Karl Clews
Knight Rider is an American television series created and produced by Glen A. Larson. The series was originally broadcast on NBC from 1982 to 1986.Action .... Knight Rider -- A voodoo princess (Rosalind Cash) and her henchmen will ... Ken Norton and Tracy Reed at Knight RiderMichael Knight is a man on a mission. Reborn, so to speak, after getting shot in the face, Knight decides to dedicate his life to fighting for justice. Self-made billionaire Wilton Knight hires Michael to be the lead field agent in his Knight Foundation's public justice organization
Knight Rider theme - bass cover by Alberto Rigoni & Karl Clews